When Mother Nature Took You in

Baba (father), I Hope You Are Proud of Me

Sujona Chatterjee
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readSep 4, 2024


Image of a father fondly kissing his little girl on the cheek
Photo by Limor Zellermayer on Unsplash

There I saw you,
Turn to ash.
My heart beating,
But my soul, dying within.

Witnessing you fade away,
It took me back to those days,
When I was your best daughter in the world,
And you were proud of your little girl.

No one warns you,
When your parents will say goodbye.
But that evening I was at peace,
As now,
You were without pain and sleeping at ease.

As the fire burnt bright,
And mother nature embraced you in her arms,
Baba (father), you never left,
Your ashes forever a part,
Of the oxygen that beats my heart.

Up above in heaven,
I hope you are reunited,
With friends that you lost on earth early on,
And brothers and sisters that wished,
They could spend more time with you,
Before they left without a warning, or call.

