
When My Gratitude Wakes Up

A lyrical tribute

Indra Raj Pathak
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Andreea Pop on Unsplash

When my gratitude wakes up, it puts on a robe
A mask of wonder, a funny wardrobe
It glides through the corridors of my mind
In search of moments, jewels to find
It laughs at the coffee that took care of my day
A caffeine shark hunting fatigue away
In ceramic cups, a morning ritual,

My gratitude, a java-fueled carnival
At the traffic lights, it winks at delay
A sudden interruption in life’s magnificent ballet
A chance to breathe, an infinite jest
My gratitude laughs, a welcome guest
In typos and autocorrect’s splendid display
An orchestra of errors in the words I convey
Charmed, my gratitude wears a linguistic crown
In language chaos it never lets me down
It dances with socks that reject to pair
An unruly pair, a footwear affair
Irreconcilable opponents, a vestiary spree

My gratitude twirls, wild and free
It giggles at keys that play hide and seek
A daily game peek-a-boo with mystique
Lost in sacks, a curious quest
My gratitude smiles, a confused jest
It responds to the rain on a picnic day
Unwelcome drops in a sunshine array
Soaked laugh, a watercolor dream

Photo by Monika MG on Unsplash

My gratitude swims in the unexpected stream
It takes up silence when words fall short
A soothing hug in a world of retort
In the recesses where interpretation lies
My gratitude hints at a gentle surprise
When my gratitude wakes up, it sees
Life’s comedy, its peculiarities and mysteries
With fun and joke, a joyous blend
At every moment, my thankful friend

I pick up the dawn with a prayer in my heart
Illuminated by gratitude, a spiritual part
I give in the whispers of the wind’s sweet hymn
In every breath, I find gratitude within
I walk a path where shadows may roam
Yet gratitude guides me, leading me home

Photo by Federico Respini on Unsplash

I watch the sunrise, a celestial rebirth
In the dawn’s embrace, I find gratitude’s worth
I commune with silence, a divine space
Where gratitude blossoms with divine grace
In serenity, I hear the universe’s song
I dance with gratitude where spirits belong
I feel the earth, its soil beneath my feet
Gratitude roots me, grounding me sweet

In nature’s cathedral, a sanctuary untold
I notice gratitude’s presence, a warmth to behold
I gaze at the stars, a cosmic display
In their grandeur, gratitude finds its way
Each twinkle, a reminder of blessings untold
In the expanse of gratitude, my soul unfolds
I explore the prudence in each passing day
Gratitude lesson, a spiritual array
In every challenge, a chance to grow
I receive gratitude, letting its essence flow

I submit to the pulse of life’s grand design
In the submission, gratitude intertwines
I find the sacred in the mundane and small
In every moment, gratitude stands tall
I thank the universe for the journey I’m on
For in gratitude’s embrace, I am reborn
With every heartbeat, with every soulful sigh
I am one with gratitude, reaching the sky

