When Someone Leaves You

: Marina :
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
7 min readAug 1, 2021

The Journey of Two Souls.

Photo by Jeremy Cai on Unsplash

When someone leaves you, let them go. They are not leaving you. They are leaving a part of them they see in you that reminds them of their deepest wounds.

When someone leaves you, let them go because all they need is time and space to heal. They are escaping from their shadows not from your love, even if they don’t know. They are distancing themselves from the pain they are not ready to deal with. And you need to be grateful if this is happening to you because someone sent you to them to trigger their healing; and somehow, they are triggering your healing too. So be patient, eventually that person will come back, if they do their work. Eventually, or maybe not.

There comes a time in life when we meet that person we have been dreaming of the entire time and from the first moment everything is perfect just like a fairy tale. It feels like you have been knowing each other forever. Everything in them is so familiar and it reminds of you. You understand each other so easily; you grew up facing the same challenges and your past and your family history look similar too. Everything is just perfect. The bond between the two of you is so strong that you know, you simply know you will be together for eternity.

You spend hours looking into each other’s eyes and holding each other’s hands while a vortex of butterflies explodes in your chest and spreads in the air. Sometimes, the energy of that love is so deep and so strong that even years later, simply closing your eyes and remembering that moment of you two looking into each other eyes, you can still feel the fluttering of thousands of butterflies like they were still alive. Like that moment is still real and you two are still together, somewhere somehow, trapped in another paradigm.

Photo by Shot by Cerqueira on Unsplash

This kind of love doesn’t happen to everyone and when it happens, it only happens once.

This kind of love is very rare and extremely special. But also hugely fragile because it’s a love that happens for a much higher reason than the ordinary romantic love. This love needs to happen to trigger healing and growth, at a very soul level. To align us with a much higher purpose, so we can accomplish the mission we came here to serve. This is not just love. This is the meeting of two souls that once were one. Some call them Twin Flames. I think this concept has been so much misused and misunderstood that I prefer to keep the meaning for myself and to talk about what’s hidden behind a phenomenon that many people are struggling to understand.

There is a deeper meaning behind the meeting of these two people, or two souls, and from the moment they separate (because at some point, most of the time — not always though — they will separate) they will spend an important amount of time, sometime their entire lives, undergoing a tremendous amount of struggles and pain that will allow them to grow and eventually understand why that person came into their life.

These two people, energetically have been connected for many lifetimes and they will remain connected for eternity. They are part of the same soul and their mission is to help each other to evolve. They already decided when and where to reincarnate to continue their evolution. Because they are supposed to grow and evolve, most of the time they choose to reincarnate in family with toxic patterns and dysfunctional behaviours because this is how they can grow; this is how they can face their own shadows; this how they can free themselves from past karma and energetic ties, and by freeing themselves, they are also ending and healing the karma of their family.

Because of the important moment the humanity is living now, because we are actually ascending to a New Earth, you can understand how important this concept is because it is by healing from our ancestral wounds that we can free ourselves and our family from the trauma we are carrying with us since the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria, so we can evolve and create a better humanity for us, for our children and the children of our children too.

When we come here on earth we forget everything we knew before, therefore something must happen to these people to trigger their awakening, so they can get to work. And so arrives the fateful event and time these two people accidentally meet. And because they already shared so many lifetimes and they are already acquainted, at the energetic level, at the beginning of the love story, everything is just perfect. But then something happens. Something big. Something small. It really doesn’t matter because whatever happens is just a trigger that they need to start looking inside themselves and start the healing process.

Since that day, these two people will take separate streets. They will live different lives following a path they never imagined they would take. Sometimes they come back together, but then they break up again because they need to be triggered so many times until they break so hard and finally they heal their wounds.

Other times they come back together and they stay together for life. If both did the work and reached the same energetic level holding the same vibrations, they will stay together forever to fulfil the mission of their soul by doing something amazing that in a small or a big way will contribute to the growth and the ascension of humanity.

Other times they end up marrying someone else, what many call karmic partners and they decide to stay in that marriage forever, even if that love is way far away from the love they experienced once. I am not saying that it’s better or worse. It’s just different and often it requires “less work”. Ultimately there is no good or bad, not right or wrong. We create our life and we decide in which reality we want to step in and stay. At the end, everything is part of the lesson we need to learn and everything will help us to heal, no matter how long it takes. We designed time to bring order into our life but all time is now and at a soul level there is no space and there is no time.

That’s why, when someone leaves you, especially someone you thought would never leave you, let them go because it’s time for the two of you to do the work. It’s time for your souls to grow and fulfil the mission you signed up to before you were born.

When someone leaves you they are just separating from you but the truth is that they will never be able to leave you because the two of you are one already. Energetically you are still connected and you always will be. That’s why you keep dreaming of each other. That’s why you will never be able to forget that love and that person. But that doesn’t mean that you need to wait your entire life for that person to come back because they may not come back. And ultimately, if you also did the work, you know that the purpose of everything wasn’t to allow you to reunite with each other, which may also happen of course, but to understand a much bigger lesson. The entire episode happened to teach you that the love you are desperately looking for outside of yourself already exists in you. That beautiful love and that feeling of being whole and feeling at home that you only felt when you were with that person, that love is already in you. That love is you. You are your home and you must heal, become whole and come back to you to embrace who you really are and step into your power to fulfil your mission.

You need to find your home in yourself and nourish that love in yourself and for yourself everyday. This is about coming home and becoming whole. This is about healing. This about raising your vibrations to match higher frequencies. The frequencies of Unconditional Love.

This is a journey that may last a few months, a few years or an entire lifetime. It’s totally up to you. This is the journey of your soul and it has nothing to do with the person you met. So stop hating them if they hurt you, start loving yourself unconditionally and be thankful for the opportunity you had to heal and evolve. The other person will always feel your energy and by raising your vibrations you will “force” them to do the same. But you cannot force them to comeback with you because this is not the meaning behind it. If you still are waiting for them to comeback, you are not doing the work and you are not on the right path. I can’t stress this enough.

All you need to know is that their eyes were nothing more than a mirror to your soul: the portal that allowed you to step into your healing journey. Don’t miss nor regret that time: somewhere somehow, in another paradigm, you are still looking into each other eyes.

Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash



: Marina :
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I write about ordinary things in a non-ordinary way to help you see the world from a different point of view.