Who Are We?

What are we doing?

Hamza Shafiq
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

In a world of shadows, where dark clouds loom,
We stand united, in the face of gloom.
Bound together, as one beating heart,
A resilient spirit, we’ll never part.

Through troubled times and hardships, we endure,
Seeking the light, steadfast and sure.
For we are warriors, strong and brave,
Facing the storms, we’ll rise and save.

Injustice may strike, like thunder’s roar,
But compassion and empathy will restore.
We’ll mend the broken, heal the pain,
Turning tears to hope’s sweet rain.

When hatred blinds and tears us apart,
Love’s gentle touch will mend each heart.
With open arms, we’ll embrace the other,
In unity, we’ll heal and smother.

In the darkness, we’ll be the light,
Guiding lost souls through the night.
With a helping hand, we’ll rise above,
Spreading kindness, like a soaring dove.

The world may tremble, with sorrow’s weight,
Yet resilience will be our ultimate…

