Who is God?

Not like I thought as a child.

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readNov 2, 2021


When I was a child,
I had a question,
Always lingered in my mind,
Who is God?
Where is He?
Is He sitting on a majestic chariot,
Watching us all the time,
And recording our karmas,
In his book of Heaven and Hell?
How many eyes would he have,
To watch all of us in this world?

Still, I would always hope,
That God is not what I imagined,
Not as what I question in my mind.
Because deep in my heart,
I trust that God is not even He or She,
But a benevolent being,
With limitless love,
Without any eyes to judge,
The evil and good in us.

But now I am experiencing the Real God,
I become conscious,
God is everywhere,
God is in every human being,
God is in every living creature,
God is in every inanimate entity.

To experience it,
There are only simple virtues,
That need to be instilled in our heart.
Respect and trust,
Towards both life and lifeless matter in this universe.
They could be anything,
They could be janitors, lawyers, servants, teachers, scientists,
They could be mammals, reptiles, birds, fishes, trees, plants,
Any life forms!
They could be stone, water, air, wood, gold, metal,
Any matters!

But, they are God,
They are made up of the same force,
That gives birth to us too.
Love them as you love yourself,
Respect them as you respect yourself,
Trust them as you trust yourself,
Yet, first and foremost,
Love, respect and trust,
The God within you.

I’m joining the 30-day challenge with Brown Boi and Ali and this is the final work of this challenge. Challenge done!

