Why Chasing Happiness Is a Waste of Time

Happiness is not a moving target

Wendy S. Bradfield
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo By Canva

The one thing we all chase is happiness. Sometimes you capture it for a moment or two, but you want it to last. We chase happiness as though it can last forever, once we find it.

“I’ll be happy when…” Go ahead, fill in the blank. We’ve all been there plenty of times. But it rarely turns out that you’re as happy as you think you’ll be when you get there. Why is that?

What if happiness isn't a thing to capture but rather something you manifest?


The word manifest has a rich, enduring history. It stemmed from the Latin word manifestusmanus (“hand”) + fendō (“hit, thrust”) and evolved to have different meanings. It can be used as a verb, adjective, and noun.

Dictionary.com definition of manifest:

Adjectiveclear or obvious to the eye or mind. Verb — display or show (a quality or feeling) by one’s acts or appearance; demonstrate. Noun — a list of the cargo carried by a ship, made for the use of various agents and officials at the ports of destination.

Your arrival is an illusion

If I arrive at a place where I say I’ve found happiness and remain there, I’d think I completed my…



Wendy S. Bradfield
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A cosmos-driven Egypt-based writer of broken dreams with a motivational flair. I write about love, life, and Egypt. Check me out at Egypteverafter.com