Monday Prompt

Why Do You Think I Never Had Children?

I neglect and abuse my inner child!

Marilyn Flower
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
6 min readFeb 16, 2021


The following is an actual conversation I had with my Inner Child in preparation for writing this post. These are her exact words. She watched me scribe them, correcting me when I tried to take short cuts. She wants you to know the whole story from start to finish. So here goes:

Inner Child (IC): Hey, we never get to play anymore. Drat! We used to go to Stagebridge and play clowns. I got to put on baggy pants, a silly tie, goofy glasses, and be Duddles. Duddles the Clown. I miss Duddles.

Adult Self AKA Me: I do too, Sweetie. She’ll come back. She’ll come back when it’s safe. When it’s safe to go to Stagebridge in person, at the church — not our Alameda church, but the big church across from Whole Foods. When we can play with all our other clown friends. There’s Thumper, remember Thumper?

IC: I miss Thumper. She’s so cool. And funny!

Me: We miss Thumper, especially cause she’s our teacher.

IC: Don’t forget our other clown friends, like Francesca and Lulu, and Boing-Boing. I love bouncing around with Boing-Boing. When can I —

Me: Hey, guess what? We have Duddles’ special clothes right here in this Trader Joe’s bag. We can…



Marilyn Flower
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?