Why Excellent Stories Sometimes Actually Look Like Pretty Little Lies

Self Reflection On The Entertaining Fibs We Believe And Retell Throughout Life


Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

When we look at excellent stories that span generations and have spread over entire countries, it’s a pretty short list isn’t it?

Can you think of any off the top of your head?

What were the origins of these stories? Did they start out being real, or something made up?

After doing some self reflection, I realized that some of the most entertaining stories are actually pretty little lies in disguise.

And if you want to watch a humorous and captivating version of the stories I’m sharing in this blog, give this video a watch.

Two big pretty little lies immediately come to mind

And they’re both stories that we heard when we were kids, and we whole-heartedly believed them.



D Grant Smith-The Growth Farmer
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Empowerment & Transformational Storytelling Superhero. Experience my inspiring, entertaining, and enlightening novels now at GrowthFarming.com