Why It’s Okay Not To Have It All Figured Out

I think it’s okay since you will never have it all figured out.

Arushi jain
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readSep 26, 2024


Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Life is too short and amid our daily grind, we have forgotten that the time gone will never come back. I always had this urge to make things and my life perfect, and with each day passing I strived even more. While going through this whole process what I realized is I was never happy.

I constantly waited for the day when everything would be perfect, I would finally be content and happy with my life. But I forgot that we are never satisfied with what we have, we always want more. Our desires never end. We’re never fulfilled with our outcomes. I felt like I was aiming in the dark with no intention of happiness and fulfillment and just perfection.

Little did I know perfection was unattainable. Nothing in life is perfect. It all depends on how you see It.

Understanding The Delicacy Of Time.

I understand not everyone is fortunate to have everything in life and not everyone has access to the necessities of existence. I also know life’s unjust in many aspects. Every day I wake up with a fear crawling in my head that life is too short, time is running out and I still need so many things to do. Also, the fear of what ifs: what if I don’t have enough time left, what if I don’t reach where I’ve always dreamed of, what if I regret not living fully before I die, and what not?

When I watch someone achieve so much in life, such as landing their dream job, finding the perfect partner, traveling to different countries, and living life to the fullest, I. feel how come I’m not getting it while others are? Why do I always feel like I’m in the same spot?

Here’s why,

For starters, we have no idea what hardships anybody has faced or is now experiencing. Life appears perfect on social media. People only present the positive aspects of their lives, and it is foolish to compare ours to theirs.

Second, you’ll get there in your own time; let’s not get caught up in the race to create this artificial image that many are building these days. Stop complaining and start counting your blessings since what you have is something that others aspire to. Some People want the life you have.

I’ll stop beating around the bush and get straight to the point, stop figuring things out, and live a little. Allow things to be as they are, rather than attempting to fix them. Everything is perfect in its own way and let’s feel whole in whatever life gifts us. Everything is planned by the universe in such a beautiful way, allowing it to unfold as it should. Let life surprise you with the best things ahead of you and wait for things to happen the right way in its own time. It will all be perfect, trust me.

Let’s laugh a little and worry a bit less,
Life is too short, let’s be grateful for the things we’re blessed.
Unclench your fist,
Adapt a new outlook on life.
Leave it to fate,
There’s a perfect life out there for you, just wait.
What is rightfully yours will find its way,
Awaits its own ideal day.
Everything in time,
Let’s not down in the dumps and try to figure everything out,
Have endurance without worry or doubt.



Arushi jain
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

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