Why Thinking Before We Act is a Better Sacrifice.

The journey of growth is easier with less weight on our shoulders

Tim Sussmann
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Samuel Berner on Unsplash

Buying a used vehicle is like playing roulette. Buying a used not running vehicle could be considered insanity. I am learning this now.

I was trying to avoid the large expense of transportation by purchasing a used, not running motorcycle.

Transportation is one of the greatest US consumer expenses, and I imagine for a reason. We like to have our independence, to go where we want to go when we want to. If our car breaks down, we will pay whatever cost it takes to get there.

I recently bought a used motorcycle that wasn't running. I was trying to buy it cheap so that I could repair it and have an inexpensive vehicle to get around town in. It seems that it wasn't the case.

It's wild really, I took the bike apart and cleaned the carburetor, the air filter box was filled with a mouse home, and I cleaned the parts and pieces that accumulated dirt after sitting idle. It started almost immediately but was running lean, meaning that there was too much air and not enough fuel in the carburetor.

So I purchased a kit to make it run with more fuel in the air to fuel mixture. Upon assembling the carb with the new parts, the bike wouldn't…



Tim Sussmann
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Traveler, Ponderer, Wannabe Writer. Hoping to expand my sphere of influence, and be influenced by a greater sphere. @timm_suss_mann