Why We Should Ask Why Often

The ultimate reality check

Victoria Nwachukwu
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readMay 21, 2024


Photo by mari lezhava on Unsplash

It is my belief that asking “why” quickly brings us back to reality.
When we start out on a cause whatever it may be, it is hardly impossible to not get lost on our way. It is said that to achieve anything of value we have to have a ‘strong why'

Life is an adventure filled with moments of thrills and risk-taking. To not take risks is to risk not living at all.

When the purpose of a thing is unknown, abuse is inevitable. A cliche that has become used flippantly by many, yet true. Not often do we realize how much it matters even in the smallest of things.
I recall vividly that my decision to get back on this platform earlier this year was a desire to build a writing consistency. I wanted something that helped me put my written content out so people could read it. Not too long after I got entangled in the whole web of building followers, claps, comments, and whatnot. Don’t get me wrong I want all of those things, I also want to be able to earn from my writing someday; hopefully soon. However, falling for these side attractions can inevitably become distractions from my primary purpose.

Why is this a question I have become comfortable asking myself? Why am I afraid? Why are my emotions all over the place? Why am I stalling? The list goes on. Asking why has helped me discover myself more than any therapy session could; at least so I think. Certainly, I may not be ready for the answers I’d find when I ask ‘why’, nonetheless the question opens the possibility for a reason to be proffered.

  • Why did we choose the paths we chose? Was it to please others or was it because we were lost?

I understand that the question inadvertently suggests distrust but rather than seeing it as such we can begin to see it as one that aids self-awareness.

Increasingly, these days it’s become harder to stay true to oneself and one’s call; giving all that’s required to stay relevant. Asking why often in these times helps ascertain whether one is giving so much for so little.

Creating pause moments to ask ourselves this all-important question can help us find our way and keep us on track in an ever-busy world.

Or what do you think?



Victoria Nwachukwu
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I am a creative writer, songwriter, and singer. I capture the in-betweens of life in words and say the things too heavy for the lips with my pen.