Food for thought

Why You Will Always Have Something to Fight For in Your Life

Even if you think that you’ve got nothing left to lose.

Riku Arikiri
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
5 min readSep 30, 2021


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Why do we never talk about our suicidal thoughts with each other? We live in the 21st century, where communication has advanced to excellent heights. It does not take much time to just simply connect and share our anxieties away.

But why don’t we? I believe the answer is simple.

We are afraid that no one will understand. We let despair do the talking for us. It puts us in harm’s way into a place where we are pushed to believe we are alone.

No one cares about us.

And it would be better if we would just end our lives. Because the ones we want in our lives don’t care about our well-being. They are being too self-centered when we need them. And therein lies the conundrum, leaving us in a dark alley with our unsafe thoughts.

As someone who lives with major & persistent depression, I know the suffering of this chronic fatigue that destroys your ability to seek joy.

It takes away all the happiness from their life.

This creates this never-ending state of disarray. One that boils down to a person’s chest. It is always lingering…



Riku Arikiri
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

It’s never black or white. Sometimes there’s a bit of spicy red in there as well.