Wild & Wondrous Prompts

Wanderlust August edition

Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Image by Lerey Eric from Pixabay

It’s August, baby! Are you ready to shine in this new paradigm? To be a wild rebel and a force of unstoppable grace? If the answer is yes, the prompts I prepared for you this week are guaranteed to tickle your soul and give you the opportunity to shine your inimitable luminous light.

When it comes to KTHT prompts, the rules are simple: simply be honest! In all of your writing endeavours, be loyal to your truth, because truth sparks creativity and creativity sparks inspiration. Listen to the way your mind and body expresses its truth to you — it should be smooth sailing from there!

I trust and honour the wisdom that is sourced from within and I encourage you to have fun with these topics. If you’re not having fun, then why are you writing?


Write a piece using the words “dancing with my wildflowered heart


Write about the chiaroscuro of your subconscious(chiaroscuro is an Italian term which refers to strong constrasts between light & dark).


What does “courage reins the chariot” mean to you?




Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Editor at KTHT & Hobbies & Stories. Penning, polishing, and provoking thoughts. My online presence is vast, explore it here: https://linktr.ee/ktht