Wisdom’s Worth Is Its Scarcity
Prose Poetry ~ There is a bit of philosopher in all of us. The more I learn, the more I understand why I am how I am.
A large part of learning is the pausing,
or more precisely, learning to pause.
To block out all interference long enough
to reflect on and apply reasoning to what
we have seen, read, heard, or otherwise perceived.
Musing brings meaning to these things,
as much as our senses can be trusted.
And, it’s easier said than done
for those of us who would confess
to frittering away our time
indulging the spoils of our success,
blowing past any chance
for enlightenment or mindfulness.
Time is the price of frivolousness.
A commodity that, for its squander,
manifests in a latent sadness
of knowing it can not be recouped,
for such folly has no redress.
Mindfulness is a state of mind
that fosters unobstructed thinking.
Enlightenment, if it comes,
is the insight realized
after contemplation and reasoning
have their reckoning.
Arrogance is professing to know what you don’t know.
Wisdom is admitting you don’t know what you don’t know.
Those who profess to be wise are truly not,
for not only don’t they know what they don’t know,
they don’t even know that they don’t know what they don’t know.
Those who acknowledge ignorance and seek to know are the wiser.
All that has happened to us, all we have made to happen,
and all we make to happen henceforth defines our journey.
It’s never too late for the pausing.
The process varies but simply relax in a safe place.
Eventually, where and when won’t matter.
Focus on an object long enough to calm your spirit.
Contemplate whatever is front and center in your mind.
Ask yourself “Why is it so?” and postulate reasons and remedies.
Whether or not the ends justify the means,
the means expose our true nature.
The means matter as much or more than the ends,
For in the end, we are judged by the means.~ Afterthoughts ~
If the ends do in fact justify the means,
are the ends even justified, and by whom?
So then, at the end, are we judged only by the ends?
Conversely; If the ends are not justified by the means,
… what the bloody hell would that even mean? Start over?
We have the faculty to discover the truth,
form opinions, and construct personal convictions.
But we can’t do it effectively if we are frittering away our time
indulging the spoils of our successes.
So slow your roll, pause for a moment, and indulge your mind.
© December 16, 2024 RidgeMagee
Primitive, Frank, and Relatable Rhymes,
Depictions of Life’s Circumstance
In the Raw Artless Tenor of Our Times
Please read the following insightful story by Bheemaray.K. Janagond