Words From A Stranger That Changed my Life

Word Works Like Magic.

Informative and Innovative
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readJul 17, 2022


Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

There are 8 billion people within the world but sometimes it just takes one person to change your whole life. Every person thinks differently about life, nature, relationships, and personalities.

A person feeling dishearted, disturb, and discourage will turn on music, watch movies, read books, visit someone, and do other things within which he finds comfort.

There is one thing that is common in all these and that is words cause words are really powerful. It has the power of completely changing or destroying someone's life.

I remember going on a trip to a hill station because I was tired of life and want to refresh my mind. But that was the place where I met that person who left a huge impact on my way of thinking and perception of things.

On my way back to the hotel I saw an old woman struggling with carrying groceries so, I offered help and she accepted it. We went to her home which was old but decorated beautifully from the inside. She offered me tea and with much thought I accepted.

When we were talking she asked me why I was looking sad and I was surprised how she noticed I was sad immediately.

I told her my problems and after thinking some time she stood up and bring a pot and ask me what I see.

I was confused but replied that it had some sort of flower in it which was dead.

But she smiled and replied:

It’s not dead it has wilted because it's winter but it's still alive weak but surviving and when I take care of it. It will bloom again like new ever. Just like that look outside, there are many plants and flowers which are wilted thanks to winter its tough for them but they are bearing it because they know they are going to bloom again either on their own or with some help.

At that point, I was so confused about her words but after a while, I understood what she wanted to tell me.

After that day I don’t give up. Sometimes when it's hard for me I remember her words and stand strong. And just like she said I take care of myself and take help from my family and friends.

I hope these words can help you also.

Thank you.



Informative and Innovative
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

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