Working At My Old High School Wasn’t The Healing I Wanted

It was the healing I needed

Vanessa Sophia
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Minha Baek on Unsplash

I’ve been crying for months now that it’s hard to get a job. When I received a call from the school district offering me a position as a substitute behavior support, I took it in a heartbeat.

On my first day, I subbed at an elementary school and it was everything I dreamed of! I got to play with little kids and got to listen to “We Don’t Talk About Bruno for hours on end” It was great.

After that, I was called for a long-term position at my old high school. I couldn’t be more thrilled.

I was going to see my old teachers and finally see the famous teachers' lounge. I was so excited that I was going to see what was behind the scenes.

Yet with all this excitement, there was still apprehension.

I worried about having to lay down the law to these kids. I don’t like having to be the disciplinarian but I do have a job to do.

My teenage self’s worst fear of being humiliated in school has now come back. Instead of looking from the perspective of an insecure teenager, I had to look through this experience as an adult.

This made me realize that down in my subconscious I’m unsure of myself. Now that I’m an adult I thought that I…

