Yearnings of the Heart

A poem

Tony Frank
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
1 min readJul 15, 2023


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

In the tapestry of my life, love weaves its art,
an essence innate, coursing through my heart.
From the very start, its presence held sway,
shaping my journey, guiding my way.

Experiences amassed, their imprints profound,
shaping the love I express, its depths unwound.
yet, steadfast I remain, never letting go,
for love sustains me, its radiance aglow.

Through trials endured, both bitter and sweet,
love perseveres, its melody complete.
Even when annoyance clouds family ties,
love still blossoms, as frustration subsides.

But friendship’s realm, a labyrinth unknown,
where love’s nuances and mysteries are sown.
With friends of the opposite realm, a delicate dance,
a chance for love’s tale, an uncharted expanse.

A fusion of emotions, mind and soul collide,
yet the physical whispers, impossible to hide.
Seeking a union that transcends the flesh,
a reminder of our origin, before life’s mesh.

Longing for wholeness, a sacred yearning calls,
echoes of unity with the source enthral.
Our spirits intertwined, seeking reunion divine,
love’s essence reminding us of a realm sublime.

Amidst desires of the flesh, illusions may arise,
our bodies deceiving, truth disguised.
But in rare moments, when our spirits align,
love’s magic weaves, a symphony divine.



Tony Frank
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A learner of all things who shares his exciting and interesting finds.