Yhprum’s Law

Rewriting Murphy’s Law By Turning The Tables On Murphy, One Day At A Time

Bobby Kountz
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Jeremy Beck on Unsplash


“If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.” ~Steven Wright

I consider myself to be not only an Inspirationalist, but also inquisitive. As a matter of fact, I would submit that I Am insatiably curious. My curiosity, just like a cat’s, often gets me into trouble, but since I’m writing this right now and since hopefully at least one other person will read it, we know that I have not met with the same fate as the cat…

In all seriousness though, what prompted the writing of this article was a mysterious text message that read as follows:

“Complications from Murphy’s Law may prevent me from attending today’s Zoom.” The message was also adorned with one of those upside-down smiley faces…

This message got me thinking about the potential effects of what might happen if we made an error in judgment and embraced a Murphy’s Law mentality. Is it possible that if we believe that things will most likely go wrong that they will? And if there is indeed any truth to this idea, what might the possible exact opposite thought be regarding this idea or concept?



Bobby Kountz
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I am an Inspirationalist! Quote Enthusiast, Inspirational Writer/Speaker - Author -THE SOMEDAY SOLUTION - Mindset, Confidence, Curiosity, Creativity, Gratitude.