You Can Have Your Dream Life. Here’s How

Hallow Moon
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
7 min readMar 12, 2021


Photo by: Johannes Plenio

We all wish we could have a fairy god mother who could make all of our dreams come true with a magic wand. While it is not quite like that with magic swirling all around transforming your life before your very eyes, manifesting is just as good.

When you focus on the good, the good gets better.

— Abraham Hicks

Manifestation comes from the law of attraction idea. The law of attraction is basically whatever your internal view (I.E your thoughts and feelings) become your external world. The reason this works is because all things have different vibration frequencies. Your thoughts and feelings change your vibration frequency to match that of other ideas/situations. If all you believe is that you don’t have enough money, friends, free time, etc., then that is all you will ever see. Your thoughts do in fact become your reality. Now the opposite can also be true, if you believe you have a wonderful, home, relationship, and financial security, then that is also your reality. Our minds are very powerful, and so many of us just don’t know it. This idea is so simple, anyone can do it. Because this is how the universe works, you can use this simple and yet proven idea to change your entire life.

Manifesting, in it’s basic form, is taking a thought and turning it into a reality. This works hand in hand with the law of attraction; like attracts like. The first step when manifesting is figuring out what you do want out of life. The universe can’t give you what you don’t know! What makes you happy, how do you want to live your life. This question may be more difficult than you first think. I want you to pause your reading and just sit for 3 minutes. Close your eyes, and imagine your perfect life. Everything you’ve ever wanted, imagine it happening to you right now. Don’t worry, I’ll still be here when you’re finished.

Now that you’ve brainstormed for a few minutes, have you come up with anything? If not, don’t worry. Maybe start writing down the things you don’t want your life to be like. Then you can take the opposites of those things and write them down as a manifestation. Try meditating or going for a walk while thinking about it. Don’t rush this process because this is the foundation to change everything around you.

What you think you Become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you Create. — Buddha

For example, when I first began manifesting and working with the law of attraction, I was going to college full time, and also working a retail job close to full time. I was burned out, to say the very least, and questioning the choices I had made to bring myself there. Is there anyway to make this situation better? I was mentally at rock bottom, and yet if someone could change it all for me, I wouldn’t even know what to tell them. I was miserable, I got that much. But no idea of what future I wanted or what it would even look like. It was in this moment I started writing down my dream life. Regardless of how out there or unrealistic it seemed at the time. I wrote, down anything and everything that I would love my life to be like.

Photo by Aaron Burden

It is important to understand that anything goes during this process, don’t hold yourself back. Often times we limit ourselves out of fear of being unrealistic or irrational. Let your imagination fly with all the possibilities, you might be surprised how that “crazy idea” isn’t as crazy as you think. Just know that somethings you write down might be simpler than other’s, and that’s okay.

Once you have written down what you want to manifest, this now begins the process of bringing it into the universe. It is important to note that during this next process, don’t worry about the “how” of it all will come together. Just have faith and the belief it will come. Only think about the end result, not the journey of how it will come together.

Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives. — Robert Collier

One of the easiest ways to manifest this is by creating a vision board. While they have soared into popularity recently, they have actually been around for quite a while. I have had my vision board for years, and everything I have placed on it, has come true. Granted some take more time than others, but sooner or later they all get ticked off the list. For example, I would take my manifestation list and google image pictures that made me think of that manifestation and made me happy and excited about it.

To give you an idea of how crazy this idea works, a few years ago I printed out a picture of a recording booth. This was because I wanted to work in a recording studio at the time. In about 6 months to a years time, I ended up getting a studio position as an intern. Want to know the weird part? The image I just so happened to grab was taken at that exact studio I interned at. Weird, right? I was given a tour of the studio and walked into one of the recording booths quickly to find the photo from my vision board had come to life all around me. This is the easiest and one of the most fun ways to manifest. Make sure to place it in a spot you look at often.

Start each morning and end each night daydreaming about your manifestations coming true. At first you will think “this is so weird and bizarre to do”. Stick with it. You can even write it out, if you prefer. Be very detailed about this. Write/think about how you will be feeling once it comes true, who will you first tell this about, what will you say, how will the other person respond, what will your life look like. How will this change your daily routine? By thinking in such detail, you are telling the universe what you exactly want. No room for error or second guessing. You are essentially matching your vibrations through thoughts/feelings, and that match in vibrations is bringing that idea to life for you. This whole process doesn’t need to be long. Maybe a few minutes to start out with. Throughout the day just believe to yourself that they will indeed come to you. It will happen. Remember, the law of attraction isn’t working for you just when you want it to, it is working 24/7.

Expect your every need to be met. Expect the answer to every problem. Expect abundance on every level. Expect to grow spiritually. You are not living by human laws.

— Abraham Hicks

Sometimes, things will pop in my head that contradict or go against what I am trying to manifest. If that does happen I like to say, “Cancel that” or “ignore that” in my head to the universe. This just helps strengthen the vibrational connection to what you are manifesting.

Another way to manifest quickly is writing a gratitude list every morning. Giving gratitude when eating turkey and being around family is important too, but so is the rest of the days of the year. I like to every morning write a list of everything I am grateful for. The universe is more likely to give if you are thankful and appreciative for what it has already given you. It is this balance in energy that makes manifesting so powerful. The give and take to it all is super important to understand. Some people even do offering to the universe as a sign of thanks for all it has done. I light incense every morning during the waning moon cycle and add an intention of gratitude to the incense stick. Everything I wrote down that I am thankful for is intentioned into the incense stick, and when I light it, I give that energy of gratitude and thanks back into the universe. It is a simple yet effective form of manifesting. Make sure when doing this, that the gratitude is genuine. If not, it will take longer for the manifestation to occur.

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson

Just remember that some manifestations will come right away and others will take some time. Don’t give up on them. Sometimes a manifestation requires other people and events to be in sync with yours, and this can take time. By having faith, you are letting the universe place you right where it needs you, and when.

Since I started doing this in my life several years ago, my life has changed in so many beautiful and amazing ways. I quit that job, started my business, work my own hours, moved to a beautiful place near the water, have a fiancè, and got into my dream graduate school, to just name a few.

Happy Manifesting,


P.S. Here is a link to our online metaphysical shop! Along with writing these posts, we run a small business that offers all things metaphysical and spiritual. Feel free to head on over and check us out!



Hallow Moon
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

To give those new to spiritual development a landing space to cultivate their skills, have a community, and receive tools they need for their own journey🌙