You have me

Letters I never sent

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readAug 5, 2023


Image by Franz Bachinger from Pixabay

You call yourself a beast but your gentle brown eyes glisten every time your dilapidated childhood heart bleeds of a time when your knees were scraped and skinned against the caked up concrete screaming for sanctified shooting stars and searching for all the love you lost in every corner of your damned house; when you duck under your sheets every night to hide from a fleeting horde of haunting monsters, I will be there, standing side by side with your demons making sure you see me smile and don’t get scared.. You say you are not afraid of loss, but boy, your body is a patchwork of missing pieces and tampered heartstrings pulled apart and stitched back into gaping holes in your bones. For you I will bludgeon my heart into a thousand pieces, and weld my flesh between the intricacies of your scars; I’ll keep hugging you till you feel whole again. In my eyes, you are exotic artistry of doleful hues and robust poetry and I have always been proud that you fought and rose. And if for a moment you find yourself stripped of strength, patience or kindness, I will be there, tightly holding your hand and never letting go, for I am not afraid of your storms. I will march with you to hell and back; and grow gardens of peonies and tulips on your craters, and build you a home in my mellow bosom where you can always return to..

My moon, you are seen, you are loved.. You have me.

