Your Body Is Your Subconscious

Its language is feeling

Amanda O’Bryan
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Imagine you are sitting near an open window. You are lost in your thoughts, but then hear the song of a bird.

In that brief moment, the birdsong has broken through your thoughts, even though it had been entering your ears for a little while. It has been caught in the spotlight of your attention. And it rises from the soil of the subconscious into the flower of consciousness.

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

— Viktor E. Frankl

In this first split-second, when you hear the birdsong as a bright sound, it does not yet have meaning. But with the spark of attention comes the contents of the mind. The identification. Bird. Then, perhaps other thoughts like the memory that you have heard this birdsong before. Some minds may work to identify the name of the bird, its location, and appearance. Some minds may think of a memory of bird watching. Some minds may splinter off into associations of birds to other objects of attention. The attention to the birdsong arises and passes.

Your body hears everything your mind says.

— Naomi Judd

