
Let’s live this way Today and Everyday


Pic by Author — 05.17.23 — Pyramids of Chi — Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Live Life at your ZENith.

YOUR Zenith.

You can get there.
You’ve been there.
And yet still, there is more.

Live Life at Your ZENith.

Live it fully, wholly,
and hold nothing back.

Own it and Know it,
you can transcend your personal fears.

Live Life at Your ZENith.

Stay Open. Be Curious.
And above all else… LOVE.

Love, and have the courage to live
with an OPEN heart,

Live Life at Your ZENith.

Dance in Deep Romance,
greet each day with Expectant Wonder.

“I wonder what life will do today!?!?”

Open yourself with a sensitivity to EVERYTHING,
and at the exclusion of NOTHING.

Live Life at Your ZENith.

Go out and Love, be Loved,
and EXPERIENCE it all.

Let go and Let’s GO!
- Jeff



Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Living Life and Sharing the journey: Lessons of Leading and Learning. Discoveries of Experiencing and Exploring. This is my Journal, lets adventure together.