Global Manager Learning Path: Our 1-year leadership training program for new managers

If you’ve always wanted to deepen your leadership skills, apply to the Fall 2021 cohort of our Global Manager Learning Path.

Claire Lew
Know Your Team Blog
5 min readAug 12, 2021


“I’ve never participated in any sort of leadership training program… How am I supposed to lead well?”

If you’ve found yourself asking this, you’re not alone.

Most of us, as leaders, are promoted into our roles without any kind of leadership training program. Sure, we’ve listened to podcasts, read books, and taken an online class here or there (or attended my Workshop Live! sessions 😉 )…

But when we’re in the moment needing to give difficult feedback to a direct report or we’re struggling to increase positive morale in a team — what exactly are we supposed to do to be an effective leader?

We’ve got an answer here at Know Your Team. If elevating your leadership skills in the deepest and most meaningful way is your goal, then I’m excited to share our “ Global Manager Learning Path “ with you.

What is the Global Manager Learning Path?

The Global Manager Learning Path is our 1-year leadership training program that gives you the foundational skills to be an effective manager. You participate in this program alongside a cohort of up to 30 managers from across the world. The program is 100% customized to the needs of you and your cohort.

We’ve been running private, custom leadership training programs for organizations with much success and high demand — and so we decided to open up our training to a cohort of limited seats for any individual who wants to invest in their leadership growth.

In this Global Manager Learning Path, we combine our live training + 1:1 coaching + our software platform to enable true ongoing behavior change — rather than your typical training programs that are static, or one-time.

If you’ve always wanted to engage in deeper self-learning in a leadership training program, then the Global Manager Learning Path is for you.

Who is the Global Manager Learning Path for exactly?

  • First-time managers who are about to start a new leadership position and feel they have no idea what they’re doing. (You’re not alone in feeling this way!)
  • Managers with less than 5 years of experience who feel they lack foundational knowledge and skills in their current role.
  • Recently promoted managers who’ve never had any formal training and are about to have more direct reports than ever before under their wing.

Here’s what the Global Manager Learning Path entails…

During the 1-year, Global Manager Learning Path leadership training program, you’ll participate in:

  • Five 90-minute live training modules that occur once a month to give you a foundation of leadership knowledge
  • A 60-minute masterclass session that occurs midway through the program to help you retain and apply the frameworks learned.
  • A 60-minute capstone session at the end of the program to help you solidify your learnings, and plan for how to continue enacting your leadership skills going forward.
  • Monthly 1:1 coaching office hour sessions in which you can sign-up for a 30-minute 1:1 coaching session with our KYT Leadership Trainer and Coach to talk through a specific leadership challenge.
  • An exclusive 1-hour executive coaching session with me, personally, Claire Lew, CEO of Know Your Team, to dive into your overall leadership style and approach, and areas of focus.
  • Unlimited leadership advice in which you can email our team about any leadership topic or challenge, confidentially, with a 48-hour response time.
  • Access to our KYT Platform that contains our 50+ Guide Chapters, 20+ on-demand workshops, and tools for one-on-one meetings, sharing status updates, building rapport and more.

💡 Curious to learn more? Download our full program overview here.

What makes our Global Manager Learning Path different from other leadership training programs…

  • Data-driven, research-backed. Our leadership training program and software are based on 20+ years of research — plus our own independent research across 7+ years.
  • Nuanced frameworks. Leadership trainings can devolve quickly into cliché. We avoid this by providing multiple frameworks of what works in situations A, B, C — not a singular view.
  • Action-oriented. We focus on applicability with interactive breakout sessions, on-the-spot live coaching, and software that nudges positive behavior.
  • Ongoing, not one-off. Our monthly coaching services, unlimited leadership advice, and software app help managers apply and fine-tune learnings continually.
  • Thoughtful, personal delivery. Our KYT Leadership Trainer and Coach is personally trained by me personally, CEO of Know Your Team, and has 10 years of leadership development experience. Our trainings have been attended by 20,000+ people across 7 years.
  • Support from global cohort of like-minded managers. We handpick leaders to be admitted to the cohort, and so peer learning, support and accountability are encouraged.

What you’ll walk away with at the end of our 1-year leadership training program…

  • You’ll make a significant change in at least 1 fundamental leadership behavior.
  • You’ll establish foundational knowledge in the key areas of leadership.
  • You’ll learn best practices, scripts, and tools to continue to improve your leadership beyond the first year.
  • You’ll gain a network of like-minded leaders from across industries to consult for support and mutual accountability.
  • You’ll earn a KYT Global Manager Learning Path Certificate of Completion when you attend 80% of the trainings and complete all the pre-work.

Ready to level up your leadership skills?

If you read this thinking, “ I’ve been looking for something just like this…” then we’d be honored to have you apply for the Fall 2021 cohort.

👉 Apply today for the Fall 2021 Cohort of the Global Manager Learning Path.

Tuition for the entire 1-year program is $5,000. This includes all 5 live training modules, 1 live masterclass, 1 live capstone, 12 months of 1:1 coaching office hours, 1 executive coaching session with me, 1-year of unlimited email advice, and 1-year access to the KYT Platform.

Applications for the Fall 2021 cohort are due September 15th.

The Fall 2021 cohort begins October 19th.

Looking to learn more?

If you read this thinking, “ Hmm sounds intriguing, I’d love to learn more…” feel free to peruse the following resources:

Or, alternatively, if you’re interested in a custom leadership training program that we design + deliver specifically for your organization, please feel free to email me directly at I’d be happy to talk through what might be best for you.

Look forward to hopefully having you join us on the Global Manager Learning Path journey.

⚡️ Apply today for the Fall 2021 Cohort of the Global Manager Learning Path.



Claire Lew
Know Your Team Blog

CEO of Know Your Team ( My life’s mission is to help people become happier at work.