Introducing Workshop Live! ⭐️ Our online leadership workshops

Get unlimited access to 60-minute, interactive, online leadership workshops led by me, Claire Lew, CEO of Know Your Team, when you become a Know Your Team member.

Claire Lew
Know Your Team Blog
4 min readNov 12, 2019


For the past six years, I’ve run leadership training workshops in-person for CEOs, executives, and managers all over the world. They’ve been so effective, we’re now packaging up what we teach and bringing it to you in bite-sized, online, interactive sessions.

Introducing Workshop Live! — 60-minute online leadership workshops led by me, Claire Lew, CEO of Know Your Team, on how to become proficient at a core leadership skills. You’ll receive live coaching and practical frameworks you can start using the very next day. These masterclass Workshop Live! sessions are a perfect complement to using the Toolbox and Knowledge Center we have in Know Your Team — and they’re all available only to Know Your Team members.

Here are some of our upcoming Workshop Live! sessions…

  • Wednesday, 12/4 @2pm PT: How to Coach an Underperforming Employee
  • Friday, 12/13 @1pm PT: How to Avoid the Biggest Leadership Mistakes
  • Friday, 1/10 @1pm PT: How to Give Honest Feedback
  • Thursday, 1/23 @2pm PT: How to be Successful as a New Manager

To attend a Workshop Live! you’ll need to become a Know Your Team member. As a Know Your Team member, you can attend any online leadership workshop session — and watch recordings of previous sessions, whenever you’d like.

Additionally, here’s everything you get when you become a KYT member:

  • Unlimited employee users. Invite your entire team. No per-employee fees.
  • All 80+ Guide chapters. Practical, data-based educational content, based on 6 years of research. (You’ll get the downloadable versions too!)
  • One-on-Ones Tool. 100+ suggested questions, 4 agenda templates, write shared agendas and takeaways for one-on-one meetings, and more.
  • Heartbeat Check-in. Automatic daily or weekly status update that integrates with Slack that keeps everyone informed.
  • Culture Questions. 150+ questions we’ve researched and automatically deliver to help you uncover team insights.
  • Social Questions. 150+ questions we’ve researched and automatically deliver to help you build rapport.
  • Icebreaker. Onboard new hires with non-cheesy, fun icebreaker questions. Answers are shared across the entire team.
  • Community of 1,000+ managers. Read 2,000+ conversation threads, and get advice on culture, performance, etc.

You get all of this — plus unlimited access to Workshop Live! each month — for $99/month. No additional fees.

Here’s what folks have been saying lately about our new Workshop Live! offering — and Know Your Team overall:

“The Workshop Live! sessions are insightful, concise, and thought-provoking.” — Jason Turan, VP, Data & Analytics at Healthcare Bluebook

“As leaders we often do not have the time to pursue professional development; KYT manages to deliver great insights in a calendar-friendly hour.” — David Billson, CEO and Co-founder of rTraction

“The KYT Workshop Live really helped solidify the feedback framework, better than any reading I’ve done on the subject in the past.”

- Ashely Hindle, Engineering Manager at Cazana

“KYT beats the hell out of my old strategy of frantically googling ‘questions good managers ask in one on ones’ every week.” — Matt Sencenbaugh, Manager at Shelterluv

“As a quickly scaling company, it’s important to automate team building in a personal way. Know Your Team helps us find common ground and surfaces great ideas for how we can improve, together.” — Ben Moore, CEO at Pixel Union

KYT is a tool that brings our remote-first company closer together: it gives us greater visibility, it helps us improve our policies, and it strengthens our culture.” — Peldi Guilizzoni, CEO at Balsamiq

Ready to start benefitting from it all? Become a KYT member today and take a deliberate step toward becoming the leader you’ve always wanted to be 💪

If you’re already a member, I’m grateful to have you as a part of the Know Your Team community.

Hope to see you at the next Workshop Live! session on December 4th.

👋 Want a hand with responsibilities you face as a manager? Then you’ll definitely want to check out Know Your Team. Our software helps you nail the fundamentals of leadership: We help you run effective one-on-one meetings, get honest feedback, share team progress, and build team rapport. Try Know Your Team for free, yourself, today.



Claire Lew
Know Your Team Blog

CEO of Know Your Team ( My life’s mission is to help people become happier at work.