Know Yourself Submission Guidelines

Last Updated December 30, 2020

Jonathan Greene
Know Yourself
4 min readAug 28, 2019


Photo by Anastasia Ischnopoulou on Unsplash

The Mission

To know yourself.

This publication is based on Writing Prompts from Know Yourself, cards for self-exploration, from The School of Life, as well as, Best Self’s WordSmith Deck. They were “designed to assist us in a journey of self-knowledge; they present us with a range of ideas and questions that can help us to understand ourselves better.”

The Vision

Once each writing prompt is released and numbered, then that card is open to all submissions that answer the same question. We envision a diverse collaboration of life experience and exploration inside one publication, all coming from these different writing prompts. Choose any one you like. There will be a story that keeps a progressing list of all the prompts as they become available.

Do you want to write for Know Yourself?

Submission Guidelines

By submitting work to Know Yourself, you are agreeing to all of the following conditions:

  • We only accept unpublished drafts.
  • Submissions must be properly tagged with at least one of the following: Self, Self Improvement, Self-Awareness, Personal Development, Personal Growth.
  • Submissions may be edited for spelling, grammar, and format. We will never adjust your content. If we have comments we will send you a private note.
  • Submissions must be made through Medium. Here’s how.
  • All submissions must include a featured image with proper attribution.
  • We don’t publish everything. If we don’t accept the submission, you will receive a private note.
  • Once a story has been published in Know Yourself, we expect it to remain there. If a story is removed, without prior notice, we reserve the right to discontinue our relationship immediately. If you want to remove the piece, just ask first. It’s your work. We would just want to know why, but we aren’t trying to hold the work against its will.
  • We will publish only one piece per writer per day.
  • We will accept only one submission per writer per day.
  • Our turnaround time is quick, always within 24 hours. If you have an intended publication date and time in the future, please include it in a private note on the title. We publish every day of the year, between 10 AM EST and 12 PM EST. If your submission comes in after our publishing run for the day, it will be published the next day.
  • If we add you as a writer and you don’t produce a draft in the first week, we reserve the right to discontinue our relationship immediately. We want writers who are excited to write for us, not to add us to their list of publications.

Read This Before Submitting

  1. Read this whole thing before submitting the form. There are easy signs to know when you have not read every word. If you fail to read the whole form and we can tell, based on your responses or your profile, we will not respond to your request.
  2. If you are including Know Yourself in a spam sham of applying to as many publications as possible, please don’t waste your time or ours. We can tell and we won’t respond.
  3. If you don’t have a favorite Medium writer and/or do not read other people’s words on Medium, you don’t have the commitment to the community that we are looking for.
  4. If you haven’t been writing on Medium consistently for the past three months, please check back after you have at least 10 published stories and/or poems before applying to contribute. We like writers new to Medium, but a lot of people leave. We want writers who have already adjusted to how Medium works.
  5. If you are worried about how many followers we have, how often our stories get curated, or are interested in pulling works from the publication if they don’t “do well,” we are not the publication for you.
  6. If you write for any of the following Medium publications, or any publication that is similar to these and their practices, you will not be added as a writer here. There will be no crossover writers. You do not have to remove any old works published there, but you will need 30 days clean before being reviewed for inclusion here. There is no guarantee that if you stop writing there, you will be added here.
  • The Innovation
  • Never Fear
  • An Idea
  • Data-Driven Investor
  • Paper Poetry
  • Be Unique
  • About Me Stories
  • Passive Asset

If you don’t understand why, read these:

Request to Write for Know Yourself

We are open to all writers who want to get to know themselves. The only requirements are that you answer the writing prompt, you code the subtitle of your story to fit our guidelines (Know Yourself #), and the first header of your story is the question posed by the writing prompt. This is so readers can easily find consistent pieces on the same prompt.

Please fill out the form below or click here.


Feel free to email Jonathan Greene at with any questions.

This is not an invitation to add him to your email list.



Jonathan Greene
Know Yourself

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene |