Violet Eyes

Promise sunshine

Amy Christie
Knowing Muse
Published in
1 min readAug 16, 2023


Photo by Chantal & Ole on Unsplash

How can I stay behind
when flowers
call out your name
bring back sunny hugs,
would I still be the same
without soul mirror
and those times,
when laughter met your sky,
when I felt heard,
your melody
rhyming heart times.

I wish you knew
where breeze caresses violets,
I hope a magic promise
tells the sun
it’s candles like you are
that make love so bright
eternal springtime.

Stay on my path,
stay for a while
gone with the breeze,
as laughter keeps on playing hide-and-seek
with what we had,
still ours,
still adored
every sun turn.

I won’t give up on castles
where our dreams wait for soul season,
I won’t let you become transparent,
mere wish
not taken by the breeze
not gone
violet eyes
I promise you sunshine
I gift heart rise
a second chance.

© 2023 Amy Christie



Amy Christie
Knowing Muse

Dallasite, passionate storyteller and journalist, striving to create meaningful connections. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”