You Give Me Hope

Eternal sun wish

Amy Christie
Knowing Muse
Published in
1 min readDec 30, 2023


Photo by Gabriel Miklós on Unsplash

In moments of darkness, when skies seem gray,
You give me hope to brighten my way.
With words of encouragement, you lift me high,
Guiding me forward, reaching for the sky.

In your presence, doubts start to fade,
Your unwavering belief in me never swayed.
Like a beacon of light, you show me the path,
Filling my heart with courage and a love that lasts.

Through life’s trials and challenges we face,
You remind me that strength is found in grace.
With your kindness and empathy, you heal my soul,
Restoring my spirit, making me whole.

Oh, how blessed I am to have you near,
Your unwavering support erases all fear.
You give me hope when I’m feeling low,
A reminder that I have the power to grow.

Thank you for being my guiding star,
For reminding me of who you truly are.
With your love and belief, I’ll never falter,
For you give me hope, eternal sun wish.

© 2023 Amy Christie



Amy Christie
Knowing Muse

Dallasite, passionate storyteller and journalist, striving to create meaningful connections. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”