Genius Token —The Future of Computing System with Cryptotoken Payment System

Knowledge Crypto
Published in
5 min readAug 27, 2021

Blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) have developed into leading technologies driving innovation in almost every industry.

In an era of technology that continues to grow rapidly, it certainly has a major influence on the quality of individuals throughout the world. One of them that is currently increasingly global, namely Blockchain technology. At the beginning of its emergence, Blockchain was present through cryptocurrency transactions such as Bitcoin. Even now, it has spread to the Enterprise System. Now it can be considered a digital document provider technology and appears to revolutionize more modern financial technology with a more instant and efficient work system without relying on a centralized server.

Artificial intelligence refers to machines that are built to perform intelligent tasks that humans have traditionally performed.

AI and Blockchain are proving to be a pretty strong pair, boosting almost every industry they are implemented. Blockchain and artificial intelligence combine to improve everything from food supply chain logistics and healthcare record sharing to media royalties and financial security. From Blockchain’s ability to track and trace the food supply chain to the integration of AI in almost every aspect of healthcare, each tackles some of the world’s biggest challenges.

It emerged Genius Ventures, one of the technology companies that want to shape the future of Blockchain integrated with AI. Genius Ventures develops a decentralized platform that uses AI/ML and uses blockchain technology to solve various problems related to the digital world. Scalability, security, data privacy and integrity issues, etc., will be a thing of the past with the advent of the Genius platform.

The Genius Venture Solution

Genius Venture supports the emerging class of blockchain-based distributed applications. It enables cost-effective, high-performance computing by building decentralized cloud infrastructure. The infrastructure uses DAG-based blockchain crypto tokens integrated with decentralized applications.

The system is unique compared to other known systems and solutions. It provides a full system that integrates a slow blockchain crypto token with a fast DAG-based blockchain crypto token. The software is unique compared with other known solutions by providing applications and games to utilize unused cycles from computing devices. Developers generate crypto tokens by processing data using artificial intelligence or machine learning on devices.

Core Value Proposition At Genius Ventures, we aim to address the needs of all decentralized businesses outlined below.

1. DApp providers can perform off-chain computations on demand.
2. Application suppliers lower the computing prices of their decentralized applications by employing a safe, reliable, and robust infrastructure.
3. The customer can select artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML) algorithms through a customer portal on the customer’s secure servers.
4. Stand-alone applications, embedded systems, or games with the SDK integrated can process instructions.
5. Server suppliers provide their servers, leverage underused computing resources, and increase their return on investment on existing infrastructure. The hybrid crypto token system uses a fast internal DAG-based blockchain that executes transactions in microseconds.
6. Code and SDK run on all devices, including Windows, OSX, iOS, Android, Linux, Windows Mobile, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, and IoT.
7. User setup costs are almost zero, and users get paid to process data. Both incentivize users to use your game or app.

Genius Token Blockchain

Utilizing unused cycles on servers and mobile and IoT devices, the system processes AI and ML data on the target device. The end-user gets paid in Genius crypto tokens that can be reused for in-app purchases or converted back to other currencies. The following workflow demonstrates the way Genius Token Blockchain executes:


Below is the Genius token allocation:

• 59% for the public during the Initial Token Offering
•15% for the Genius Ventures project team
• 5% for the bounty and overheads
• 3% for partners and consultants
• 18 % for Reserves

The above token allocations show transparency on the team side as they do not hold the bulk of the token but the public. Therefore, the likelihood of dumping the token below the public sale price is minimal. This is exhilarating for GNUS and offers a great opportunity for investors.

In addition to token allocation, GNUS has a wonderful use case that I believe will increase in demand once the platform is fully deployed.




Initial Token Offering This is a non-regulatory means of raising funds for a new crypto token-based company. Start-up companies use an Initial Token Offering (ITO) instead of an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) to bypass a rigorous and regulated process required by U.S. government regulations.

The token sale is live, and you can be one of the early investors. To buy the token, please go to Uniswap or visit the website.


Given the above, it is reasonable to conclude that, despite its youth, this system is revolutionary. Each program has its advantages and disadvantages.

Blockchain and decentralized finance are becoming more and more famous for bringing major transformations to the technology industry and providing us with various answers to many problems facing individuals across various industries.

Genius provides, among other options, the services mentioned above. And also maximize the quality of service in this situation.

It offers innumerable advantages and keeps consumers at ease about their investment.

Transparency is one of the basic values ​​of Genius, and the Genius development/marketing team always wants to align with people’s opinions. No one is left in the dark, as the team at Genius will keep the community updated with what’s coming next.

They provide a new type of facility using crypto should also be a reason to praise them. Not many companies tackle this type of project even in a normal industry. It has a very fine line between white and black. Still, they do it completely in the white area, and also through crypto is a very unique and innovative idea.

Overall, Genius is a unique program. They provide everything and more than what other programs do. The fact that all these features can be provided easily and without any hassle is very beneficial and quite revolutionary. It will manage all crypto-related user and business messages with efficiency. Users will also have full control over their accounts.

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