Knowledge Economy
Knowledge Economy
Published in
1 min readJun 17, 2016


Jo Johnson MP, the minister for universities and science, said: “Our membership of the EU plays a big part in supporting our success as a knowledge economy, not only in terms of funding, but also in terms of valuable academic collaborations and access to shared research facilities.

“Britain is an innovation powerhouse and we must do everything we can to maintain that position. As this new data shows, the EU helps to facilitate ground-breaking research, create jobs and strengthen our position as a global innovation leader.”

The analysis was released in one of a series of events hosted by Universities UK, or UUK, to make the case from universities’ point of view for staying in the EU in the run-up to the 23 June referendum in which British voters will be asked whether they want to remain in the EU or leave.

EU research contributes £1.86 billion to UK economy

