Knowledge Economy
Knowledge Economy
Published in
1 min readAug 25, 2016


Sustaining inclusive economic growth is at the heart of the government’s development plan. Sri Lanka’s goal is to become a competitive, middle-income country grounded in a knowledge-based economy.

Recognizing that Sri Lanka will succeed in these aspirations only if its labor force is highly educated and skilled, the government has made education and skills development a priority.

However, it has three major challenges which have a major impact on its development goals:

Although Sri Lankans spend more time in the education system than neighbours in South Asia, employers are questioning the system’s quality and relevance.

Major skills shortages and mismatches undermine productivity and thus growth.

Disparities in learning outcomes in primary and secondary education and in access to both vocational education and training and higher education constrain the government’s inclusive growth objectives.

Skills Development in a Global Context: Towards a Future Ready Workforce

