Knowledge Economy
Knowledge Economy
Published in
1 min readJul 17, 2015


Over the past few days, all Indians have been living a dream — a dream of Digital India — brought to the fore by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. Even though some claim it as “old wine in new bottle”, the IT fraternity, the corporates, and the rural India have hailed it. It is intended to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. The project, slated for completion by 2019, is a vision based on three key areas. The first is to make various utilities available to the citizens through cutting-edge digital infrastructure. It will enable delivery of services like banking and access to service centers at the doorstep of citizens with the assistance of high speed internet.

The second area will be the focus on governance and services. This digital movement will bring everything in the palms of people across departments and places. It will enable providing services to people in real time, cutting across hindrances. It will also enhance the usage of cloud service…

Time to go digital

