Knowledge Economy
Knowledge Economy
Published in
1 min readFeb 8, 2016


He would elaborate during a Q&A portion with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria that followed the speech. When Zakaria asked him whether the current low oil price environment might disrupt his ability to pursue his agenda, given that Canada is such a resource-dependent economy, Trudeau balked at the idea.

“One of the things that we’ve seen in the past…from governments around the world, is this idea that there’s an either/or between the economy and the environment, that you have to pick one, and what’s good for the economy necessarily marginalizes the environment or vice versa,” he responded. “What we see now is that people understand that you need clean growth, we need good jobs that are protecting the environment at the same time, and indeed, that’s the only way to move forward as an economy. So where we know we have elements of our economy that are based on natural resources and always will be, we need to layer on top of that the knowledge economy, the innovative extractive techniques, environmen…

