Life Is Full Of Setbacks

Success is determined by how you handle setbacks

Jennifer Lo
Knowledge Gained Through Mistakes


Just this past Monday, I was let go from my job. As I sat there listening to my boss giving me ‘the talk’, a lot of things suddenly went through my mind. “What happened? What now? What am I going to do? What’s the next step?”. I was a mess.

I took the day to relax and let all my feelings out. I felt that my emotions were taking over me and I couldn’t think logically. I cried, ate some chocolates, watched some TV, then went to bed.

The next day I was ready to think about my next steps. It wasn’t easy because I still had so many things on my mind. I reached out to a friend, Glen Morris, who’s a business coach. He is my boyfriend’s mentor and they often work very closely together. Stories from my boyfriend suggests that Glen is someone who gives very good advice. So I thought to ask him for some guidance to this situation.

I told Glen what happened and what my plans were. As I shared my story with him, he sat patiently and listened. When I was finished, he broke down all the things in my head and eliminated the ones that seemed less important.

Once we’ve established a goal to work towards, he introduced me to the concept of Motivation Strategies. It’s a concept that helps us understand our preferences and motivations — which is useful for helping us take actions towards our goals. It could be different for everyone. The insights I gained through his ‘Discover my Motivation Strategy’ report was crucial to finding my focus.

During our call, Glen was very helpful in guiding me through my thoughts. He suggested to set out one goal for the week, and put down my five most important tasks for completing that goal. I’ve been working towards completing those tasks every day. Glen’s guidance was how I knew what I needed to focus on in the weeks to come.

I was ready to move on. It’s been a while since I’ve felt my energy level this high. Before this experience, I was comfortable with what I had in life. This experience lifted my spirit and fire buried deep inside me. It motivated me to reach higher for a better future. Although, I’m not sure what’s the outcome of this, I do know that everything will be fine.

On Achieving Success

When most people fail at something, we tend to be pessimistic and negative about the situation. Not only does this not help us move on from the failure, but we will feel extremely demotivated.

Instead, I’ve learned that failures are essential for success to happen. It’s only a failure when you don’t do something about it.

When you feel you’ve hit rock bottom, just know how to pick yourself back up. It’s never too late as long as you’re willing to put some effort into it. This may be adapting to the change, seeking help, or simply be proactive and do something. The strength and support that you need may come from a friend, a family member, a mentor, or your partner.

Don’t ever let failure get to you and have faith that everything will be okay.

How do you handle setbacks?



Jennifer Lo
Knowledge Gained Through Mistakes

Co-Founder of @Dayboardco. I strive to help every person to stay effective and productive on their most important work without guilt at the end of the day.