Does the universe have meaning or not

Randy Skopecek
Knowledge is the fish
2 min readApr 13, 2017

The internal drive to assert “why” (aka meaning) is itself proof of meaning.

For example, life and the universe either has a purpose or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t have meaning, then people could accept that and everyone would. The question itself wouldn’t even exist, because there would be no purpose behind it (the question). If you notice though, this question comes up time and time again. Because people can’t let go, it asserts that it does have meaning, and thus purpose. The difference is level of awareness. Like, are you aware that it does have purpose even if you don’t know what the purpose is.

Life that lacks purpose dies and is less motivated to do things. Because of that, lack of purpose is completely self destructive. Survival of the fittest would fail as all life would lack motivation. Only motivation would be primal,…not die (hunger, pain). Intelligence has no motivation other than not dying and caps its own limits.

Wonder if that’s right? There are plenty of stories and scenarios around what if the world was ending (comet, zombies, etc). Those scenarios expand on “what if”. Would you consider people in those scenarios being civilized? Some certainly, but not without a lot of chaos. So, what is the difference between people who try to be civilized vs those who perpetuate chaos?

Life thrives w/purpose and thus so does intelligence.

Survival then requires purpose, reasserting the need for meaning and purpose to survive. Forcing life to a more evolved awareness that life has meaning. Once you are aware that life has and requires meaning, you realize that the universe has a purpose.

Purpose though is provided only through someone who creates it, similar to a person creating a hammer. As such if life requires a purpose and a purpose can only be provided by a thing’s creator, then its safe to say that the universe was created.

Cyclically stated, since the universe was created it was given purpose and meaning. Since different life can believe it does and doesn’t have a purpose, it becomes an awareness. When life is aware, it thrives. Survival of the fittest values purpose over no purpose.

