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App of the Month: Cymbal

Millena Oliveira
Knowledge Jam
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2016


A trendy friend of mine suggested this app, and it took me six months to finally get around to trying it out. Sorry, trendy friend, I should have had more faith in you.

Imagine if you took Spotify and Instagram and then applied a digital polymerization card — that end product would be Cymbal.

Here’s what’s great about it:


Spotify and Instagram are both great at what they do, but what if you want to share a groovy song you’ve been listening and, like me, you’re hesitant to do so via any of these apps? Well,impulsively share all you want with Cymbal! This app is dedicated to song sharing. It takes the best things about Spotify and Instagram and meshes them together. Guilt free music sharing!


This app pulls from both SoundCloud and Spotify to create one gigantic music library. Plus, it connects to the accounts you already have on these sites so you can have access to songs you’ve already favorited.


Like Instagram, you’re able to follow other Cymbal users and stream their profile. Cool, right? You can silently judge their music taste with a push of a button or give them a like if you like.

Cymbal also shows you the trending songs on the app, heavily searched hashtags, and playlists made from those hashtags. You do need to have Spotify premium if you want to listen to the entire song, but you’re still able to share without a premium account.

However, there aren’t any ads like Spotify. The only drawback is playback time on the music tracks (*airhorn sound* — bars!).

Since my first experience with Cymbal, I have highly recommended it to every music-lovingfriend of mine.


9/10 hi-hats



Millena Oliveira
Knowledge Jam

Musician & Content Creator. Social media — @anellimoliveira — Twitter & Instagram.