App of the Month: Lrn

Millena Oliveira
Knowledge Jam
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2016
Graphic by Casey Marley


If you’re not a huge nerd or Karlie Kloss, you probably have no interest in coding. But lucky for you, I am the nerd who’s going to convince you to get this app because coding is totes dope.

Lrn is an app that teaches you how to code through a series of modules and short quizzes.

This is why you should get it:

Not just HTML

The app offers these mini courses not only in HTML, but CSS, Java, Python, and Ruby. This means that after completing all the modules Lrn offers, you’ll have a really good foundation of the language. And, hey, if you try it out and end up liking it then you’ll be a step ahead of the current computer science freshmen. While they’re still trying to fulfill math requirements, you’re already coding your 50th website!


Let me explain the structure of a module before I even mention the quizzes. Each module in Lrn is split up into different sections. The amount of sections varies between each coding language. You’re guided through interactive lessons and at the end of each section you get a five question quiz to solidify the concepts and vocabulary you learned.

The quizzes aren’t hard because the app does a great job of communicating the information in the lessons. They aren’t long either, I think the longest one I had was five questions. There are right and wrong answers, but you’re not graded. The point of the quizzes is to make sure you understand the information you just went over. So, though the thought of a quiz might put you off, it shouldn’t because it’s not arbitrary like other quizzes seem.

Not overwhelming

A subject like coding can seem overwhelming, but you’re in complete control of the pace you want to take through the modules. Lrn remembers where you last left off so if you’re not really feeling it one day you don’t have to worry about losing the progress you made earlier. The interface is also very minimal so as to not get in the way of the learning.

Rating: 7.5/10 pythons (like the snake this time, though)




Millena Oliveira
Knowledge Jam

Musician & Content Creator. Social media — @anellimoliveira — Twitter & Instagram.