How to Make the Best of your UAB Digital Media Fellowship

Anissa Latham-Brown reflects on her years as Digital Media Fellow

Anissa Latham
Knowledge Jam
6 min readApr 28, 2017


So my time at UAB Digital Media is quickly coming to an end, which is super weird, but super exciting! I feel like I’m finally flying out of the nest. I figured I’d share a few things I learned about my time at UAB Digital Media, and give some advice to future fellows as they start on their journeys with the team!

How has content grown/changed since you’ve been a fellow?

When I first started at UAB Digital Media as an intern in the summer of 2015, I was immediately placed on the team creating a public service announcement for KNOW DOPE, which was being created for the Department of Justice. I’ll tell you that I was *stressed* when I got home on the first day, realizing how big of a deal that was, but I also felt extremely honored that I was being trusted to work on something like that AS AN INTERN. How many internships can you think of where you get to create a PSA that would potentially reach so many people?

When I came in, I had a pretty sparse knowledge about video production and editing, but working beside people who were better than me was probably one of the biggest ways I got better. Luckily for students at DM, the Media Commons is a space where you can freely chat with your teammates and get helpful constructive feedback without feeling like it was coming from a negative place, which does a takes a bit of the pressure off when you’re new to creating content.

How has DM changed since you’ve been a fellow?

I’ve had the pleasure of being included in TWO fellowship cycles since I started in 2015. The funniest thing that has changed are just the people that I’ve had the chance to work with since I’ve started. Both groups had different personalities entirely, but the dynamic is still so similar when it comes to working. I’ve made some amazing friends here and it’s so helpful to have friends that can turn around and help you with personal projects or various tasks, and it’s the best built-in component of Digital Media, in my opinion.

My Favorite Projects


My favorite project at UAB DM was the UAB TRIO project, where we were tasked with creating a video that showcased the benefits of the UAB TRIO program while doing it in a way that replicated the opening credits from the famous 90s sitcom, A Different World. I was the producer and director for this shoot, which meant doing both the logistical planning around the shoots AND leading the team and actors on shoot days. At first, I felt overwhelmed by the task since it was one of the bigger projects that I had been on, and included a bunch of moving parts that had to work together. This included storyboarding, set building, and trying to make sure more than 12 people were going to be in the same place at the same time (which is nearly impossible when dealing with college students).

In the end, what could have just turned into a huge pile of flames ended up turning out to be one of the coolest (and coolest-looking) projects that I had ever done. It was extremely rewarding for me because it proved to me that I could a) handle myself in stressful situations and still come out with something I’m proud of and b) it helped me build confidence in being in leadership positions.


I also was the coordinator for our YoPro series this year! I basically sent a bunch of cold emails to some of the people I love on the internet and some of them responded. As a result, our team got the chance to talk to industry leaders including Jozen Cummings, Eleanor Kagan, Evelyn from the Internets, and Estelle Caswell. I could see a little bit of myself in every person we talked to, and it was super reassuring to talk to people doing the kinds of jobs I want to do and see how they got there. I would 100% encourage future fellows and interns to cold-email the same way I did and at least try to talk to the people you look up to. Yes, it’s really scary, but it’s a really helpful thing to do that can a) help you write emails and b) help you learn how to network.

Plans for After Graduation

So, I was just offered a position as an intern in Brooklyn at WBAI 99.5 FM, so I’m preparing for a move to the Lower East Side next month! I’m super excited to jump in and network and do all the fancy New York things for the summer, mostly because my Instagram and Snapchat are gonna be LIT this summer, fam. (You should follow me on IG, btw).

Advice to future fellows

The biggest thing I would recommend to future fellows is to not be afraid to ask questions. There are a BUNCH of talented individuals that you’re lucky to be able to work beside every single day, and they may inspire you to learn the next thing that could lead you right into your career.

I would also recommend that you take advantage of the opportunities and resources you have while you’re here. There are a million things that I wish I had the chance to learn while I was here, and I’ve been here for two whole years. Luckily, you get a chance to dip your foot into a little bit of everything, even if you’re not perfect. When I started here, I thought my primary job would ONLY center in the world of video production, but I got a chance to learn about social media, animation and motion graphics, and digital marketing. And now, I see the link between all of those things, and how they all work in the grand scheme of content creation. You won’t learn anything here that won’t eventually end up being valuable in the long run. The best part about working at UAB DM is that it’s a learning space, and that we don’t always have the answers to everything, which gives you the opportunity to try to figure things out along the way.

Also, feel free to reach out to past fellows (because some of them have great jobs and are also fabulous people to know in general).

