iOS Development, User Interviews, Psychology and Coding — Newsletter Week 2

Arjun Tuli
Knowledge Maps
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2015


My dear online learner,

It’s been a great week in Knowledgeland. Lots of intelligent things are brewing. Entrepreneurs have been learning some really cool stuff, programmers have been baking some fresh lines of code and we have some delicious knowledge maps ready for your consumption.


Harry Sandhu is a young iOS developer, and he shares with us his learning journey to master iOS development. For all the resources he refered to, check out Becoming an iOS Developer. If you have any doubts/queries/comments/suggestions, feel free to post them here.

If you are thinking about starting a startup or have already started one, you must be knowing about the importance of conducting user interviews. Pavneet shares with us his insights on How to conduct an effective user interview.

Main Course

Parteek is a thought leader when it comes to startups and entrepreneurship. His map on How to gain initial traction for your startup is a really cool one — something that we are studying from and implementing at Knowledge Maps.

Understanding user psychology matters a lot, especially when it comes to designing the UI and UX of your product. Here’s a map to help you learn more about it — How to use consumer psychology to improve marketing and product in a startup.

Last week Hannan Ali completed his learning journey on JavaScript Development. If you haven’t already checked it out, here is his map — Becoming a JavaScript Professional.

The three actionable resources that are effective in growth hacking are shared by Harry in this map — How to grow website/business .

If your startup is looking for the perfect email onboarding for its users, Pavneet has done some intensive research and shared it along with his insights in the map — How to create email onboarding campaign for your startup. He has also shared examples of email onboarding campaigns of some of the best companies in the world here.


Deserts are always indulging, high on calories and difficult to burn, but always worth the taste. And so is the knowledge map on Becoming a better backend developer — How to write good code.

If there’s anything that you are having difficulty learning in, your friends are happy to help you. Just post your difficulty in Knowledge Maps Facebook group.

And if you haven’t yet started using Knowledge Maps Chrome Extension, do it right now. Get it from here, and share your feedback with us.

This is all from me this week.

Keep learning. Keep helping. Keep being awesome. Together we can make this world a better place.





Arjun Tuli
Knowledge Maps

Passion Entrepreneurship Creativity Poetry and Electronics are the words that perfectly define my existence in this universe!