JavaScript, Creativity, Business Ideas and much more… — Newsletter Week 1

Arjun Tuli
Knowledge Maps
Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2015


My dear online learner!

How did the week treat you? Was it challenging? How’s the programming language that you started going? Any progress??

Well, first of all thank you for taking out time to visit Knowledge Maps. It’s a real privilege to be in your knowledgeable company.

Last week we saw some real cool insights coming in on varied topics.

For the programmers appetite

Hannan Ali started out with his journey on learning JavaScript. If you are thinking about becoming professional JavaScript developer, Hannan has figured out the right roadmap for you — Becoming a professional JavaScript Developer.

Already a JavaScript professional? Share with Hannan and others the resources you found useful.

Hallie Williams comes from a fashion designing background but happens to have avid interest in competitive programming. She shared with us the approach she followed to become a competitive programmer. Be sure to check out her map — How to become a Competitive Programmer

For the future founders of billionaire companies

If you have ever thought that why didn’t you come up with that idea, Claire Ortiz has the perfect answer for you. She shared her map on How to generate good Business Ideas — the mental Alchemy of Ideation.

If you already have that billion dollar idea and have built a basic version of it, Pavneet’s insights on How to attain Product Market Fit can take you further in the right direction.

As a startup enthusiast, Vincent says that creativity plays a great role in solving big problems. He shares with us his map on How to become a Creative Person.

And lastly, I created a map on the Launch Strategy that we are following at Knowledge Maps. If you are planning to launch your startup too, I hope the map comes in handy.

Be sure to become a member of the Facebook group that we started to help each other out. If there’s some way in which I can help you directly, feel free to reply to this mail.

That’s all this week. Be good. Be wicked. And just have fun!




Arjun Tuli
Knowledge Maps

Passion Entrepreneurship Creativity Poetry and Electronics are the words that perfectly define my existence in this universe!