Knowledge Maps Weekly Digest — YC, Harry Potter, and Mental Health of Startup Founders

Arjun Tuli
Knowledge Maps
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2016

Happy Saturday, Knowledge seeker — and oh, what a great week it was! We’ve been getting a lot of digital love! Thank you so much for your shout-outs and emails — your love and appreciation keeps us going!! Do keep sharing your feedback and telling us what works for you on Knowledge Maps so we can keep working harder to make those things work even better!

Applying late for YC? Here’s how to fill your YC application!

Knowledge Maps team went through multiple insights on how to apply to YC, and mapped the best ones to help you write a successful application.

Life Lessons learned from the Harry Potter series

Relive the moments from your favourite series while discovering some of the most important life lessons in it. This map by Sophie Mehta will take you for a walk down the memory lane.

How to stop caring about what others think about you

This map suggests ways on how you could discover the Tim within yourself.

Startup Dirty Laundry — How to overcome co-founder problems

Any day in a startup can be the last day. And of all the reasons possible, you don’t want co-founder conflict to be the one to shut your shop.

How startup founders should take care of their mental health

Working for long hours can take toll on your health. It is important to take some time off, indulge in sports, spend time with friends and exercise.

Music that’ll help you work better — The productivity list

Musical tracks that are best to be set in the background while you working. This map by Abhishek Garg assures you of increased productivity!!

If you have any feedback (good, bad, worse), just reply to story!

Have an amazing weekend! :)



Arjun Tuli
Knowledge Maps

Passion Entrepreneurship Creativity Poetry and Electronics are the words that perfectly define my existence in this universe!