3 small reasons why you should be a creator

we can all be consumers and creators ( and you don´t need to create something big)

Sah. V. Lasso
knowledge out of the box
3 min readFeb 15, 2018


“Graffiti words read "Together, we create!" below small windows on a brick wall” by "My Life Through A Lens" on Unsplash

We are in the era on social media and online everything, so information is everywhere. This made very easy for us to be consumers, passive consumers.

But there is a truth that sometimes we forget: we can all be creators and consumers.

We cannot give up on the idea that we are all creative in different ways: some people can do music, others can write, some can do dance shows…there are so many options!

I´m pretty sure there is something creative that you can do it and here are some small reasons I think it is important for you to do it:

“A figurine of a stormtrooper under a desk lamp with an incandescent light bulb” by James Pond on Unsplash

You add value to the world

It doesn´t matter what you create: a song, a text, a website, a homemade scarf…you are adding something new that didn´t exist before to the world.

You can also add a feeling…imagine: you see a recipe, bake a cake, it´s delicious, you feel happy! The more you do it, the happier you will be and more creative flows you will have!

We don´t need to be in the illusion that what we need to create must be something big, majestic, that is going to change the whole world! If it makes your world better, it is great! If it makes you happy, even better!

“Many people's hands are painted red to form together a large red heart” by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

You connect with people

You can create a song and sing to your friends or put on YouTube. You can create a text and put it here on Medium. You can create a cake and put the recipe on Instagram…you can share your creation with people you like, people you know, or anyone.

Sometimes you can create a thing that will help people´s life, or you can impact someone that doesn´t even know you!

How many songs sound like they are singing to you? How many texts express just like how you were feeling hat day? And none of those authors know you, but they connected and impacted you somehow.

Just like that you can connect with someone!

“A one dollar bill leaning against the wall on a glossy surface” by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

You can even make some extra money

If you want, you can monetize your creation and even make some extra money with it!

There are plenty of places online and offline that can help you to sell your creation and believe me, there is a place for anything and everything!

So I hope you get the creator bug bite and feel excited to share your creations around! :)



Sah. V. Lasso
knowledge out of the box

Curious and focused as a cat with a laser. Expert in jumping out from the comfort zone by doing things I´m not good at! Publishing here since Sep 20, 2017.