I grew my own leather to dress an astronaut

Sah. V. Lasso
knowledge out of the box
3 min readApr 17, 2020

or why I participated in the Space Suit Challenge

Photo by History in HD on Unsplash

By now, if you know me or follow my articles, you know that I´m too curious (if that is possible). So when I saw on Instagram the Space Suit Challenge, I didn´t even think about it, just sign up!

The idea was to put the maker community to make a spacesuit and you were free to use any material and technique you wanted.

I was really into kombucha and learning about biomaterials with the LittlePinkMaker.

…and why not grow my own leather and dress up my astronaut in a sustainable leather suit?

And so it started!

I separated the glassware that I would need to grow my kombucha and I started to grow the scobys.

It took a while (around 2 months, if I remember correctly) for them to grow the way I wanted.

Kombucha leather by Sah Lasso
Kombucha leather by Sah Lasso

I bought a small kitchen dehydrator to dehydrate all the scobys and I knew they would end up a bit too thin, but I was planning on still being able to work with them.

Kombucha leather by Sah Lasso

I also knew that I didn´t have a lot of time so I couldn´t grow a human-size leather suit in the time frame I had, so I decided to do a small size one :)

Kombucha leather by Sah Lasso

As you can see in the picture above, the leather ended up with the dehydrator pattern and really thin, like paper-thin, which made a bit tricky to work with.

However, giving up as not an option, and I entered the competition to learn and explore the possibilities and not to win…

Kombucha leather by Sah Lasso

This was the final look. Of course, I´m not a designer and I don´t have a lot of hand skills, but I still think I did my best.

I decided to put a glass candle holder as a helmet to still work with the sustainability concept.

No, I didn´t win, but yes, I learned a lot and had so much fun!



Sah. V. Lasso
knowledge out of the box

Curious and focused as a cat with a laser. Expert in jumping out from the comfort zone by doing things I´m not good at! Publishing here since Sep 20, 2017.