Explore Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2022

Fuji Nguyen
Knowledge Pills
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2023



Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2022 is a free set of tools that allows developers to create and manage Oracle Database connections and objects directly within the Visual Studio 2022 development environment. Here are some of the key features and benefits of Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2022:

  1. Integrated Development Environment: Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2022 provides a fully integrated development environment for Oracle Database development within Visual Studio 2022. This eliminates the need to switch between different tools and environments for database development.
  2. Seamless Database Integration: Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2022 provides seamless integration with Oracle Database, allowing developers to easily connect to and interact with the database directly from Visual Studio 2022.
  3. Oracle Database Project Templates: Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2022 includes a set of project templates for creating Oracle Database projects. These templates provide a starting point for creating new Oracle Database applications and help to ensure consistency across different projects.
  4. Oracle Database Explorer: Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2022 includes a database explorer window that allows developers to view and manage…



Fuji Nguyen
Knowledge Pills

DX Advocate, OpenSource Contributor, Pickleball Player - Improves software dev experience, contributes to opensource projects, and plays pickleball for leisure.