Legacy .NET Framework Web Forms User Control vs Modern Angular Component

Fuji Nguyen
Knowledge Pills
Published in
5 min readJan 28, 2024


Baekhyun, a seasoned developer, has been working with legacy .NET Framework applications for over a decade. His expertise lies in ASP.NET Web Forms, where he has built and maintained numerous enterprise-level web applications. However, with the evolving web landscape and the growing demand for more responsive, modern web applications, Baekhyun’s company decides to transition its key software products to Angular or more cloud oriented.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, I completely understand the thoughts and concerns you might have. How do you approach learning a new skill? It can be quite challenging.

In this blog, I aim to share my insights on the comparison between the traditional Web Forms User Control and the modern Angular Component. My goal is to assist in bridging the knowledge gap in this area.

Basic Concept

Web Forms ASCX User Control: In Web Forms, an ASCX user control is a reusable piece of the web UI, combining markup (ASCX) with code-behind (C# or VB.NET). It encapsulates a part of the user interface and the associated server-side logic. These controls can be reused across different web pages.

Angular Component: An Angular component, like an ASCX user control, encapsulates a part of the…



Fuji Nguyen
Knowledge Pills

DX Advocate, OpenSource Contributor, Pickleball Player - Improves software dev experience, contributes to opensource projects, and plays pickleball for leisure.