Fact or Fiction? Can You Pick the Right One?

Daniel Ganninger
Knowledge Stew
Published in
6 min readJan 13, 2021


Use your superior knowledge and detective skills to figure out if these events are a fact or just a load of fiction. How well will you do? Good Luck!

Walt Disney’s body was cryogenically frozen so that he could be reanimated in later life when technological advances would allow it.


This urban legend has been around for a long time. Disney was never frozen after his death. In fact, he was cremated at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, the cemetery of the stars in Los Angeles. The cause of his death that was written on his state death certificate was cardiac arrest.

A man in California, known as Lawn Chair Larry, took a flight in a homemade contraption that included a lawn chair and 45 weather balloons. He rose to 16,000 feet before descending.



Daniel Ganninger
Knowledge Stew

The writer, editor, and chief lackey of Knowledge Stew and the Knowledge Stew line of trivia books. Connect at knowledgestew.com and danielganninger.com