The Most Remote Places in the World

Daniel Ganninger
Knowledge Stew
Published in
5 min readMay 29, 2020


It seems as though every corner of the globe has been explored or connected with the rise in global communications, satellite imagery, and air travel, but there are still areas on earth so uninhabited, isolated, or reclusive that they have become the most remote places on the planet.

According to the dictionary, the meaning of remote is, “far apart, out-of-the-way, secluded, or distant in time.” All these areas had to meet that criteria in one way or the other, but one thing is for certain, these aren’t areas you can pull up on a friendly travel website.

The Highest Remote Place

The highest most remote place on earth? It has to be Mount Everest, correct? At 29,035 feet (8,849 meters) above sea-level, it is definitely the highest place on earth, but remote? Not so much–at least not in the secluded sense.

There have more than 8,400 ascents to the summit by about 5,780 climbers. Not all of these ascents were successful, but in May of each year, hundreds of climbers travel to Nepal to test their skill, and luck, against the world’s tallest peak.

So what is the highest remote place on earth? You would think it would have to be the 2nd highest peak, or the 3rd, or even the 4th. No, the most remote, and also the most dangerous, is the 10th highest peak in the world…



Daniel Ganninger
Knowledge Stew

The writer, editor, and chief lackey of Knowledge Stew and the Knowledge Stew line of trivia books. Connect at and