AI-Driven Fact Search: Building the ‘Uber’ of Knowledge Seeking

Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2023

In an era dominated by convenience and speed, Uber has revolutionized the transportation sector with what can only be described as a ‘frictionless experience’.

You take out your phone, input your destination, and a car arrives to whisk you away to your desired locale. It’s the epitome of user-centric service.

But how would this model translate to the realm of knowledge searching?

In short… What is the ‘Uber’ of Knowledge?

The Uber of Knowledge Goes Directly to Destination

To comprehend what this Uber-esque platform for knowledge might entail, it’s instructive to consider the less-than-ideal alternative.

What would an Evil ‘Uber” do?

An Evil Uber does not bring you directly to your destination

Picture an ‘evil Uber,’ a service that, despite knowing your endpoint, deliberately takes you on a roundabout route, bombarding you with ads along an extended path, only to abandon you close to, but not exactly at, your destination.

Rather than stepping out of the vehicle satisfied, you find yourself going from door to door, seeking your final destination. This scenario diverges drastically from the seamless experience one has come to expect.

Google operates like an Evil Uber.

Google promotes paid content and secretly censors other content

Interestingly, when it comes to searching for knowledge online, giants like Google often resemble this ‘evil Uber’.

Instead of a direct journey to the knowledge you seek, you’re detoured through a street filled with advertisements, sometimes irrelevant to your quest.

In more concerning cases, the information you’re after might be secretly censored or buried, leaving you to sift through sponsored content regardless.

Even in a more benign scenario, you’re dropped ‘in the vicinity’ of your informational goal, clicking from page to page, piecing together answers for yourself.

Google records your answers, improves its algorithm but still leads the next person on the long detour again.

This is a far cry from a ‘frictionless experience’.

So, what would the Uber of Knowledge actually look like?

Envision a platform where you indicate your ‘knowledge destination’, and you’re instantaneously provided with the most comprehensive, accurate answer available to the network, thanks to advanced AI and decentralized fact checking.

No detours, no unnecessary stops — just straight to the intellectual point.

Knowledgecoin goes directly to your knowledge destination

This concept underpins the innovative idea of ‘KnowledgeCoin’.

The vision is a system where inquiries are met with immediate, high-quality responses, crowdsourced from the collective intelligence of the network, powered by AI and stored on an indelible blockchain.

Rather than being the sole product of algorithmic calculations, these answers would represent the best of human understanding available. The latest knowledge is delivered swiftly and directly, mirroring the effortless experience of booking a ride to your next destination.

In a world overwhelmed with information, yet starving for wisdom, the need for efficient, direct access to knowledge is more pressing than ever.

While the outcome is uncertain, the journey toward a more knowledgeable world is a compelling one.

The frictionless pathway to knowledge is coming.

Get ready for the ride.

About the authors:

Cory Redden: Cory Redden is an AI &Crypto enthusiast who is leading innovation in Development and Product Design at

Mark Gleason: Mark Gleason is a Chief Enterprise Architect, Venture Capitalist, and Board Member at

