Devesh Gandhi
KnowledgeHub by ProductHub
4 min readAug 18, 2020


Since the existence of mankind, humans have faced different types of problems where with time the problem not only gets evolved but now it possess a great threat to mankind. And every time and everywhere the only reason behind the problem is the never-ending greed of money and power, which one day will surely result in a catastrophe. Earlier the main problem which a kingdom used to face was a war for money and other resources so to be ready for war, spies were sent in the enemy territories to receive updates. But as centuries passed, today the human version of a spy has been replaced by mobiles, laptops, or other smart devices.

To tackle the security problems, the concept of cyber-security was introduced, which means it is a state or process of protecting and recovering networks, devices, and programs from any type of cyber-attack. A strong cyber security system has multiple layers of protection spread across computers, devices, networks, and programs that get alerted whenever an intruder tries to hack into your system and show them the exit way out of your system, thus your system remains safe and protected. We’ll get to know about the main areas of cyber security in this article.

Cyber Security is divided into 5 main types:

1. Critical Infrastructure Security: Critical infrastructure safety is the location of challenges surrounding the safety of systems, networks, and belongings whose non-stop operation is deemed essential to make sure the safety of a given nation, its economy, and the public’s fitness or safety. As an instance, if a random attack, a malicious program, or a few hackers that do not understand what they are doing, would inadvertently set in movement a response that might reason critical harm, therefore crucial infrastructure safety could be very important.

2. Network Security: Network security is a set of multiple layers of defenses in the network and at the network, where policies and controls are implemented by each network security layer. Also, the networks are only open to authorized users where the hackers or malicious programs are blocked for different types of threats or attacks. Network security is divided into 3 sub-layers (network, system, applications) which consist of firewalls, data loss prevention, email security, endpoint security, wireless security, and things that go on. In today’s world, all organizations need to protect their networks if they aim at delivering services to their customer or employees.

3. Internet of things (IoT) Security: Internet of things security focuses on protecting your internet-enabled devices that connect on wireless networks. It tries to protect IoT devices and networks against cybercrime in the current world. The IoT is a growing trend in today’s market as new products are increasing daily due to which IoT security becomes an important component. The more functionalities you add to your smartphone, the more information you store in the device and your device becomes more vulnerable. Hence IoT security is very important.

4. Application Security: Application security is described as security measures at the application level that aim to prevent data or code within the app or from any device from being stolen or hijacked. Nowadays it is very important because too many devices are connected to the internet/cloud which increases vulnerabilities to security threats and breaches. Also, it’s testing can reveal weaknesses at the application level, helping to prevent these attacks.

5. Cloud Security: Cloud security is also known as cloud computing security which consists of controls, set of rules, policies, producer, and technology that work together to protect the devices which work on cloud storage. Nowadays most of you store your photos, video files, private data on the cloud so if there is any vulnerability found then your data can be easily accessed by others hence cloud security is very important also by using the cloud we can reduce the cost to store data on hardware devices and it is readily available 24/7 and hence most of us are using cloud services like AWS to store our data due to which cloud security is one of the important things in today’s context.

Since March 2020, the cyber attacks on Indian critical infrastructures have increased on a large scale. The attacks were identified to be coming from China and Pakistan mainly. The healthcare and education industries were the primary targets. Such attacks in difficult times are a favorite choice of hackers.

Taking your business online may seem to bring new confidence to your organization. But to ensure its smooth operation, organizations cannot overlook the security of its resources today. The risks associated with connected devices, e-commerce, cloud computing, and block-chains would only increase in the future, and one must be prepared for it.

