Web Development: Oxygen For The Future

Devesh Gandhi
KnowledgeHub by ProductHub
5 min readOct 13, 2020

For a beginner, the most pressing questions that come to mind when he/she thinks about a course on web development is java and all associated languages that how complicated will they be and will they be able to see from start to end. Most of the students just drop the course by just hearing the name of web development. But is it that much hard? And why in today’s world are all focusing on it as one of the most important topics? and why every software-based company expects this to be a prerequisite for every employee?

The reason behind why it is so important is that web development is growing and expanding its periphery. From automating web interfaces to developing mission-critical applications, web development is turning dreams into realities and most importantly in the post COVID world, everyone will agree on the importance of taking the business online and collaborating with others. Every passing day, people are relying more on technology to do their important work, keep logs of company clients as well as employees, and store them on the server so that they can be easily accessed from anywhere around the world, all possible because of the web development.

If we look on the other side since everything is connected to the internet and web development it has led to many types of fraud. Like, take an example of a bank robbery earlier to rob a bank the robbers have to assemble a team of like-minded peoples who are best in their job and then create a plan to execute the robbery and then to flee from the bank before the police arrive and once they are out of the radar all the money is theirs. But now, all robbers have to do is to hack into the system and transfer the money to an offshore account in small amounts so that it can’t be traced. For this to be successful, the robbers must have exceptional programming skills with an insider on their side who can help them to hack into the system. Once they are inside the system, there is no way of stopping it unless the insider flips on them which is not very probable. One of the famous examples of such type of robbery was the Bangladesh Bank robbery also known as the Bangladesh Bank cyber heist, whereby sending a virus email to one of the employees of the bank which led the attackers to get into the system and damaging their printing press (which gives all the statements of transfer of money from the bank) for two days (Saturday and Sunday) when the bank was closed. The attackers transferred all the money until the bank manager realized that they have been hacked on Monday, all the money was gone and there was no trace of robbers making it a perfect heist. This is just one example, the number of such kind of attacks is increasing day by day and making our systems vulnerable. All possible because of the power of programming.

Now coming on to the topic the most common and important languages which we used in web development are Html, CSS, java, JavaScript, Python, SQL, PHP, .net & angular which we will overview in this article.

HTML: It makes the layout and structure for your website. This is a dynamic language that not only allows you to create a website but is also very simple to use with less code.

CSS: It is a language that developers can use to style the website. It describes how your website is presented with its layout. CSS works hand in hand with HTML to add colors to your background, layouts, font sizes, and more.

JAVA: It is one of the most important programming languages used to develop website content, games, apps, and software. Nearly all the android apps and games have been produced by using java. Also, nearly 15 billion devices are using java in some way or the other. The main advantage of using Java is that it is portable and can run on multiple software platforms.

JAVASCRIPT: It is used in many aspects of web development and to add interactive elements to the websites. If user engagement is very important for your business, then add JavaScript elements to your design.

PYTHON: One of the easiest languages to use and work with is python. It can help to create a framework for basically any website need. It uses simple and straightforward syntax, making it easy for web developers to work with.

SQL: It is a database query language that is used when your website is computing large amounts of data, using it allows you to gather data from different database and can be used then to target audience. The important thing while working with this language is that it is always paired with other languages to get the most out of your database and website development.

PHP: It is mostly used in a data-heavy website or for app development. It is an open-source language that can be easily modified to meet the needs of your business or websites. Facebook is one of the sites which uses PHP to manage and process their data.

.NET: It is a framework that can be used to develop a wide range of applications from the web to mobile-based apps. It can work with several languages such as C#, VB.NET, C++. Also, it has a huge collection of predefined class libraries that support a complex or simple form of data structure.

ANGULAR: It is a TypeScript-based open source front end application platform. It was a complete rewrite from the same team that built AngularJS. It provides an easy platform to build apps with the web.

After reading this, many of you will have a question in your mind that how on earth will this be an easy task when we have to learn so many languages? And maybe some of you will think of giving up, but if you are a good programmer or at least know some basic programming languages like c, c++ or python (which is most important) then being the best won’t be a tough place to be. You already are 50% up the hill and the reaming 50 percent can be split into 2 parts where java and SQL will cover 40 percent and all the other languages i.e. Html, .net, angular will cover 10 percent because they are mostly used for designing purposes, for eg., to change font or background of a web page. But Python, java, and SQL cover the main part like linking the program with the server, providing security, or giving access. With some practice, you can design your web page may be in the next few months.

Remember, there is no glory in practice, but without practice, there is no glory.

