Create and Configure Android Virtual Device (AVD) in Android Studio

Knowledge IDE
Flutter for Begineers
3 min readMar 5, 2019


In mobile application development AVD is normal thing. Developer having two option to debug application one is using Virtual Device and and second is using USB debugging.

Using Virtual Device:

We are talking about this in this article as well as I have created tutorial for this too.

Using USB debugging:

We will walk about this in our upcoming article.

You also can watch tutorial of flutter. In that tutorial I have created video for this article…

So let’s create Android Virtual Device:

Select AVD manager from Tools menu to create Android Virtual Device.

After clicking on AVD manager one form will get open. On that form one button is present with name “Create new Device”. Click on that button then you will see more options like showing below…

We are creating Virtual Device to debug our mobile app so we select phone option from options showing on left panel.

By default Nexus 5X is selected so let them as is it and click on Next.

After that you have to select system image. System image means android os. We have to need to download that version to create virtual device of that. So I have downloaded Oreo (API 27) and API 28.

Select android API and click on Next button. Then you will be on Last Screen on which you have to enter name of device and their orientation as shown in figure.

After clicking on Finish button you will see list of devices which you have created.

Select that device and click on play button showing at the right side of that row then device will start.

If you are starting Device at first time then it will take some time.

Find out Flutter tutorial for beginners here.

I hope you like this article.

Keep doing…Keep reading…Keep watching…Keep in touch…Bye bye.

